Sunday, January 29, 2006

NGOs Job Vacancy II


Host Agency : UNIDO; Establishment of Industrial Common Service Facilities

Deadline for submission of applications: 3 February 2006

Application should be addressed to:

Personnel Unit
United Nations Development Programme,
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 3 P.O. Box 2338
Jakarta 10250, Indonesia.

Please send your application by e-mail with the post code as the subject of your email, or by postal mail with the post code in the upper left corner of the envelope and do not send it by fax. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Terms of Reference

Post Code: 014-06/UNV-UNIDO
Post Title: National UN Volunteer : INTERPRETER/TRANSLATOR
Recruitment: Indonesian National
Location/Duty Station: UNIDO, Lhok Seumawe Field Office, Aceh
Duration of Assignment: 3 (three) months
Starting Date: Immediate
Direct Supervisor: Local Technical Project Coordinator (TPC) in Lhok Seumawe and the National UNIDO Technical Backstopping Officer (National Project Manager) based in Jakarta.

The United Nations Volunteers is the UN Organisation that supports sustainable human development globally through the promotion of volunteerism and mobilisation of volunteers. It serves the causes of peace and development through enhancing opportunities for participation by all peoples. It is universal, inclusive and embraces volunteer actions in all its diversity.

Volunteerism is diverse and is embedded in all cultures and traditions. In this context, as a United Nations Volunteer you are encouraged and expected to relate to local volunteerism and to be identified with the concept. You are expected to regard your national colleagues as peers and together uphold trust as volunteers among yourselves and within the communities and the organisation you are assigned to.

Project Background

On December 26, 2004 a magnitude 9 on the Richter scale earthquake struck the west coast of northern Sumatra and triggered a massive tsunami that devastated most of Aceh and north Sumatra provinces. The province of Aceh was hardest hit by the disaster resulting in more than 115,000 people lost their lives, 115,000 are missing and 700,000 people are internally displaced. The tsunami severely destroyed coastal areas and wiped away houses, buildings, and almost all infrastructures in the province including roads, bridges, water and electricity supplies, agricultural land, irrigation, fisheries, food and fuel networks. Accordingly, economic activities in the province stagnated and millions of surviving people have lost their livelihoods and have been stripped of their assets.

The UNIDO project aims at rebuilding rural economies of the tsunami affected communities by stimulating income and employment generation activities in Lhok Seumawe and Bireun, Aceh .

During the pilot project, the main activities involve:

Training of selected trainers at Malang Vocational Training Centre, East-Java. The upgraded trainers will train beneficiaries at the Common Service Facilities (CSFs).
Establishment of CSFs from where hands-on training in industrial skills will be provided. The pilot project will support development of small scale industries related to wood, rattan, bamboo furniture and housing fixtures, food-processing, sewing and broidery. Machine and equipment facilities will be made available from the CSFs on a rental basis to support micro entrepreneur start-ups. In addition, the CSFs will function as a marketing outlet and information center for products, services and employment.
The project beneficiaries are smaller tsunami affected communities including young men and women living in both urban and rural areas where the economy has been affected by the disaster. It is expected that by March 2006 at least 300 people in the province will benefit from this pilot project and will be able to revitalize their economic activities. Indirect beneficiaries include local government institutions involved in the development of SMEs such as the Vocational Training Centre for Industry, Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, the Industrial Services, and Local NGOs.

Terms and Conditions

This position is a voluntary position. Volunteers are not paid a salary as such but given a monthly Volunteer Living Allowance (VLA). Other benefits are included such as medical insurance, travel cover to and from duty station to place of recruitment, and a small grant on completion of assignment.

Duties and Responsibilities

Provide simultaneous interpretation services for UNIDO’s English speaking international consultants;
Help organize workshops/meetings and take minutes in English;
Translate documents, articles and other project materials;
Perform other duties as may be required;
Minimum Qualification and Experience

Undergraduate degree or equivalent in English;
Extensive practical experience in interpreting and translating services;
Excellent communication skills – both written and interpersonal will be essential, as most of the work will be done in direct collaboration with the local beneficiaries;
Experience of working with local bodies, agencies and communities in a developing country situation;
Good command of Word and Excel. Knowledge of publication software an asset but not a requirement;
Excellent team player with the ability to work under pressure and meet strict deadlines;
Good report writing skills;
Excellent English language skills (read/write/speak/listen);
Commitment to UNV’s mission, aims and values, particularly to the promotion of volunteering for development and volunteering for MDG;
Knowledge of Acehnese and the region an asset.
Line of Communication:

The National Interpreter will work under the overall direction and supervision of the local Technical Project Coordinator (TPC) in Lhok Seumawe and the National UNIDO Technical Backstopping Officer (National Project Manager) based in Jakarta.


NGOs Job Vacancy



Deadline for submission of applications: 1 February 2006

Application should be addressed to:

Personnel Unit
United Nations Development Programme,
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 3 P.O. Box 2338
Jakarta 10250, Indonesia.

Please send your application by e-mail with the post code as the subject of your email, or by postal mail with the post code in the upper left corner of the envelope and do not send it by fax. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Terms of Reference

Post Code: 018-06/GU
Recruitment: Indonesian National
Location/Duty Station: Jakarta
Duration of Assignment: 1 Month - SSA
Starting Date: Immediate
Direct Supervisor: Head of Unit

The Partnership for Governance Reform is a multi-stakeholder programme focused on supporting Indonesia’s political transformation. The institution, initially established as a UNDP project, has now acquired an Indonesian legal entity (civil law association). The Finance and Project Management Assistant will support the Governance Unit in preparing for 2 external audits that will be carried out of the Partnership for Governance Reform project between the 13th February until the 3rd of March 2006. One audit is a general UNDP audit, the second is an European Commission Verification Mission of the effectiveness of UNDP procedures and processes within the Partnership for Governance Reform project. The Assistant will develop a clear tracking system to oversee and control past financial transactions related to the Partnership, as well as develop a clear system of UNDP’s procedures and processes related to the Partnership project as well as other areas that the auditors are interested in verifying. The Finance and Project Management Assistant will work closely with the two Partnership for Governance Reform Project Managers as well as the Partnership Programme and Finance Managers.

General Duties and Responsibilities:

Develop a clear tracking system of financial transactions related to the Partnership
Develop a clear system of UNDP’s procedures and processes related to the Partnership project
Develop a system which looks at the effectiveness of the delivery of the UNDP/Partnership in its proceedings, contracts and payments
Ensure all past and present contracts as well as donor reports are available and in order
Look at the management of payments using Atlas in terms of timely, accurate computation and completeness of supporting documentation, on the basis of appropriate authorization
Ensure all project related filing is in order
Ensure that all procurement of goods and services well documented
Perform other duties as required and that can be of interest of the external auditors
Assist the auditors in their work and provides the required information for them to carry out their work in an efficient manner

Qualifications required:

Minimum graduate degree in a relevant discipline, with specialized training in accountancy, administration and finance preferred;
5 (five) years of increasingly responsible experience in administration and finance;
Solid familiarity with UNDP finance, personnel and procurement rules and regulations as well as the ATLAS system
Proficiency in written and spoken English;
Working knowledge of IT applications;
Strong motivation and good team player; Indonesian language a benefit

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Local NGOs in Aceh

Yayasan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia
Singkatan/Akronim: YPSDM
Alamat Lengkap : Jln. Tgk. Imum Lueng Bata. No. 46 Banda Aceh
Kampung/Desa : Lueng Bata Kecamatan : Lueng Bata
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 010 Longitude: 095 20.147' Latitude: 05 32.622'
Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Ketua Prof. Dr. Syamsuddin (0651) 23515 0811801934
Sekretaris Razali Yusuf, SE (0651) 23515 0811681966
Ketua Tata Usaha H.M. Daud Ishak (0651) 23515 08126952330
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Pengembangan sumber daya pemuda Peningkatan pendidikan agama

Singkatan/Akronim: WAHANA
Alamat Lengkap : Taman Siswa No.82 Merduati
Kampung/Desa : Merduati Kecamatan : Kutaraja
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: Longitude: Latitude:

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Direktur Herman 08126905936 08126905936
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Pendidikan Pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat
Yayasan Sinar Desa Indonesia
Singkatan/Akronim: YASINDO
Alamat Lengkap :
Kampung/Desa : Kecamatan : Lueng Bata
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 005 Longitude: 095 20.205' Latitude: 05 32.635

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Mansur Muhammad Kiran (0651) 31039 08126951069
Muhammad Zulhilmi (0651) 31039
Khalidin (0651) 31039
Mardiana (0651) 31039
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Pengembangan petani dan nelayan Pemberdayaan wanita korban konflik
Mitra Sejati Perempuan Indonesia
Singkatan/Akronim: MISPI
Alamat Lengkap : Lamlagang
Kampung/Desa : Lamlagang Kecamatan : Banda Raya
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 034 Longitude: Latitude:

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Syarifah Rahmatillah 0811685880
Dewi Sulastri 0811688592
Sumiati Khairiah 08126905937
Zainora 081370021337
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Advokasi hak-hak perempuan studi dan diskusi tentang hak-hak perempuan dan keadilan
Perhimpunan Pemantauan Hak Asasi Manusia
Singkatan/Akronim: PP HAM
Alamat Lengkap : Jln. Tgk. Chik Di tiro Belibis Ujung No. 2. Desa Labui Ateuk Pahlawan Banda Aceh
Kampung/Desa : Labui Ateuk Pahlawan Kecamatan : Baiturrhaman
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 020 Longitude: 095 19.664 Latitude: 05 32.927'

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Ketua Hendra Fadli 0651- 33605 081360155714
Anggota Imran Mahfudi 0651- 33605 08126969611
Anggota Faisal Hadi 0651- 41998 08126916583
Anggota Yashut 081533160343
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Monitoring pelaksanaan hak-hak asasi manusia
Pusat Gerakan dan Advokasi Rakyat
Singkatan/Akronim: PUGAR
Alamat Lengkap : Jln.Syiah Kuala No. 8 Jambo Tape Banda Aceh
Kampung/Desa : Kelurahan Bandar Baru Kecamatan : Kuta Alam
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 021 Longitude: 095 19.806 Latitude: 05 33.661

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Direktur Eksekutif Zulhanuddin HSB 22803/7409618 0811687229
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Memperkuat jaringan kerja organisasi rakyat masyarakat petani dan nelayan Melakukan gerakan advokasi

Pemulihan Keberdayaan Masyarakat
Singkatan/Akronim: PKM
Alamat Lengkap : Jln. Elang Timur No. 64 Blang Cut Lueng Bata
Kampung/Desa : Blang Cut Kecamatan : Lueng Bata
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 022 Longitude: 095 19.894 Latitude: 05 32.782

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Direktur Yashut 081533160343
Bagian keuangan Sri Rahayu 081534207409
Program staff Azis 081533241017
Office Boy Fauzi 081534015357
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Pemulihan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat
SULOH (Jaringan Informasi dan Pemberdayaan Rakyat)
Singkatan/Akronim: SULOH
Alamat Lengkap : Jln. Elang Timur No. 64 Blang Cut Lueng Bata (temporary office)
Kampung/Desa : Blang Cut Kecamatan : Lueng Bata
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 023 Longitude: 095 19.891 Latitude: 05 32.783'

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Direktur Eksekutif Fadly SY 08126962196
Koordinator Umum Zulkifli 08126937514
Keuangan Suryati 081360184995
Anggota Yulizardi
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Pemberdayaan masyarakat Bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan
Badan Koordinasi Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam
Singkatan/Akronim: BADKO HMI
Alamat Lengkap : Jln. T. Nyak Adam Kamil I No. 17 Neusu Jaya
Kampung/Desa : Neusu Jaya Kecamatan : Baiturrhaman
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 024 Longitude: 095 19.128 Latitude: 05 32.746'

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Ketuan Safriadi Ibrahim 0651 - 25481 08126924527
Wakil Sekretaris Ikhwan adaby 0651 - 25481 081360027188
Bagian keputrian Nelly yana 081360154029
PAO Safwan MG 08126953162
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Pemberdayaan masyarakat Bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan
Yayasan Care Education Forum (Yayasan Peduli Pendidikan)
Singkatan/Akronim: YCEF
Alamat Lengkap : Tgk. Dianjong street 108
Kampung/Desa : Keudah Kecamatan : Kutaraja
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 025 Longitude: 095 19.130 Latitude: 05 32.746'

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Direktur eksekutif Safriadi Ibrahim 0651- 27704 08126924527
Sekretaris Eksekutif Zulfadli 08126900817
Pendiri Ismed Tanjung 08126913749
Pendiri Hasnanda Putra 085260001621
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan
Ikatan Siswa Kader Dakwah
Singkatan/Akronim: ISKADA
Alamat Lengkap : Masjid Raya Baiturrahman
Kampung/Desa : Kecamatan : Baiturrhaman
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 026 Longitude: 095 19.028 Latitude: 05 33.198'

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Bendahara Marbawi
Sekretaris Umum Syarif
Anggota Safwan 08126953162
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Memberi penerangan tentang Islam Bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan
Koalisi NGO HAM Aceh
Alamat Lengkap : Jln. Sudirman No. 11 A. Geuceu Kayee Jato
Kampung/Desa : Geuceu Kayee Jato Kecamatan : Banda Raya
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 027 Longitude: 095 18.241 Latitude: 05 31.910'

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Direktur Eksekutif Fasal Hadi 0651- 41998
Wakil J. Halim Bangun
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Mendorong pemerintah untuk secara aktif melakukan promosi dan proteksi HAM Mempercepat desakan publik terhadap tanggung jawab negara atas promosi dan proteksi HAM
Mendorong dan menumbuhkan kesadaran publik tentang HAM
Pusat Inkubasi Bisnis Usaha Kecil
Singkatan/Akronim: PINBUK
Alamat Lengkap : Jln. S.A Mahmudsyah No. 15
Kampung/Desa : Peuniti Kecamatan : Baiturrhaman
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 029 Longitude: 095 19.261 Latitude: 05 32.882

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Ketua H. Hamzah Hasan 0651 - 31211 081360217551
Wakil Fakhri Ismail 08126930983
Wakil Sekretaris Jafar Hanafi 0811688075
Manejer Operasional Sayuti 08126983801
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Pemberdayaan usaha ekonomi rakyat kecil
Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Banda Aceh
Singkatan/Akronim: LBH Banda Aceh
Alamat Lengkap : Jln. Lamgapang No. 3 Cirih Ulee kareng
Kampung/Desa : Cirih Kecamatan : Ulee Kareng
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 030 Longitude: 095 21.469 Latitude: 05 33.094'

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Direktur Rufriadi, SH 0651 - 25281 0811684183
Manager Program Hendra Budian 0651 - 25281
Manager Internal Tarmizi 0651 - 25281 081533773314
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Pengembangan kapasitas masyarakat untuk mendapatkan hak-haknya ke hadapan hukum
Tegaknya HAM dan demokrasi
Keadilan untuk rakyat miskin

Lembaga Agro Aceh
Singkatan/Akronim: LAA
Alamat Lengkap : Jln. Jama a No.36 Lr. A. Beurawe Banda Aceh
Kampung/Desa : Beurawe Kecamatan : Kuta Alam
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 013 Longitude: 095 20.040' Latitude: 05 33.291'

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Ketua Drs. M.Masri Karim 08126906344
Koordianator Program Usman 081533219379
legitasi Ansharullah, SH 08126925873
Irwan IR 08126925788
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Pembangunan masyarakat dan pemberdayaan ekonomi rakyat
Yayasan Lauser International (Lauser International Fondation)
Singkatan/Akronim: YLI/LIF
Alamat Lengkap : Jln. Teungku Abdullah Ujong Rimba No. 6
Kampung/Desa : Kecamatan : Baiturrhaman
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 030 Longitude: 095 19.016 Latitude: 05 33.148'

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Direktur Teddy G (0651) 7410123 0811615558
Wakil Mike Giffiths (061) 8216808 0811644251
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Pelestarian kawasan ekosistem lauser Pemberdayaan masyarakat di luar kawasan

Yayasan Al Ummah
Singkatan/Akronim: YAUM
Alamat Lengkap : Posko MENWA Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Ar-Raniry
Kampung/Desa : Darussalam Kecamatan : Syiah Kuala
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 032 Longitude: 095 22.263 Latitude: 05 34.314'

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Ketua Umum Imran 0651 - 636435 08126950460
Ketua I M. Zaini 085260028337
Ketua II Usman MA 085260037938
Sekretaris Zul Mahdi 08126986404
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Kwalitas Sumber Daya Manusia
Kreativitas masyarakat desa
Bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan, kesadaran bernegara dan beragama

Yayasan Bina Aneuk Nanggroe
Singkatan/Akronim: BAKNA
Alamat Lengkap : Jln. Amaliya No. 17 Lingkungan Cut Mutia
Kampung/Desa : Peuniti Kecamatan : Baiturrhaman
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 015 Longitude: 095 19.324 Latitude: 05 32.689'

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Direktur Eksekutif Anwarsyah 0651- 24586 08126900941
Manejer Program Kamal Faisal
Manejer Keuangan Henny Arumdhany
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Meningkatkan mutu dan kwalitas sumber daya manusia & Pemberdayaan masyarakat
Mendirikan perwakilan di seluruh wilayah Provinsi NAD

Solidaritas Perempuan Bungong Jeumpa Aceh
Singkatan/Akronim: SP Aceh
Alamat Lengkap : Jln. Belibis lr merpati no 56 labui Banda Aceh
Kampung/Desa : Desa Labui Kecamatan : Baiturrhaman
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 002 Longitude: 095'19.664 Latitude: 05'32.863'

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Ketua BEK Wanti Maulidar (0651)637531 08163161246
Staff Susanti (0651)637531 085261310554
Ketua Program Ismet (0651)637531 08126913749
Bendahara arina Wifida (0651)637531 081360091523
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Penguatan perempuan dari segi fisik dan kesehatan khusus ibu-ibu hamil dan menyusui
Pemberdayaan perempuan dalam bidang ekonomi
Pengadaan kebutuhan anak-anak dan penyuluhan tentang wanita

World Wide Fund for a Living Planet
Singkatan/Akronim: WWF
Alamat Lengkap : Jl. Sudirman No. 11
Kampung/Desa : Geuceu Kayee Jato Kecamatan : Banda Raya
Kabupaten : Kota Banda Aceh
GPS Waypoint: 011 Longitude: Latitude:

Orang yang dapat dihubungi :
Jabatan Nama Telephone HP. Email
Ass. Manajer Program Dede Suhendra 0651 49963 0816343801
Manejer Program Ramadhana Lubis 0651 49963 08126973292
Misi utama atau Aktifitas Umumnya : Bergerak dalam bidang konservasi

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Local NGOs

TELP 62-651-46001

TELP 62-21-71791894

TELP/FAX 62-21-3913768

Aceh NGOs Coalition - Human Right

Aceh NGO’s Coalition for Human Rights is a human rights advocacy institution, which is non-profit, non-partisan, and mandated to establish alliances with the NGOs at regional, national, and international levels. The coalition is a group of NGOs who are concern with the human rights appreciation in Aceh, established on August 7, 1998

The Koalisi NGO HAM membership:

Founding Organizations:
1) LBH Banda Aceh, 2) Walhi Aceh, 3) KKTGA, 4) Flower Aceh, 5) Sahara, 6) CDI, 7) LPLHa, 8) LeUHAM, 9) SULoH, 10) Kontras, 11) Cordova, 12) YAB, 13) Yadesa Partners NGOs:1) YGHL, 2) Papan, 3) Puspa, 4) Yapesma, 5) YRBI, 6) LBH Apik, 7) SPKP HAM Aceh, 8) YPK, 9) TPKA PB HAM (Human Rights and Legal Aid Post):1) PB HAM ACEH UTARA, 2) PB HAM PIDIE , 3) PB HAM ACEH TENGAH, 4) PB HAM ACEH TIMUR, 5) PB HAM ACEH BARAT, 6) PB HAM ACEH SELATAN, TPKA


To create a civil society which highly appreciates values of humanism, social justice, gender equality, and democracy.


Aceh NGO’s Coalition for Human Rights carries out the mission as an Human Rights Advocacy Institution with the tasks of:

To grow up public awareness to appreciate human rights in Aceh.

To investigate and collect data about human rights abuses.

To carry out campaigns against human right abuses.

To provide assistances to the human rights victims both by litigation and non-litigation.

To urge both central and local government to take the responsibility to the human rights violations and rehabilitate and give compensation to the victims.


To be the supporting system to the human rights advocacy done by NGOs in Aceh.

To be the pressure group on human rights appreciation and social and political order change in Aceh.

To build alliances at national and international level.

To determine the grand issue on human rights advocacy works in Aceh.

There are three strategic issues to work on:

How to make the government and military institutions take the responsibility to the human rights abuses in Aceh.

How to gain the public pressure upon the government to change the political order in Aceh.

How to make the struggle against human rights abuses in Ache become an agenda and concern of international community.


Victims of human rights abuses, either individuals or groups.

Structure of Aceh NGOs Coalition for Human Rights contains of two bodies that is Board, which has a duty as a policy maker and controller of Executive as a program implementer

Afridal Darmi (Chairman), Seri Rahayu, Andi Rizal, Evi Narti Zain (Secretary)
Direktur: Faisal Hadi Program Manager: J Halim Bangun Campaign: Kurdinar, Halim El Bambi, Mashudi Database: Surip Widodo, Musliadi, Jumiran, M Isa Finance: Surna; chasir: Amyas; ADM: Devi Adm: Nana Daryana Office Boy: Aziz
N0. 11-A , Sudirman Street Geuceu B.Aceh 23239 -Indonesia
Phone: 62-651-41998
Faximile: 62-651-47839
Electronic mail General Information: